Overview of the Dashboard Tab
1. Access The White Rabbit
2. "Total Requests" Block
In this block, you have information about the total number of requests your TWR account has had.
3. "Safe Page" Block
In this block, you have information about the total number of accesses your safe page has received, summing all your campaigns.
(https://storagePopularOverview of the Domains Tab
1. Access The White Rabbit
2. Click on "Domains"
Here you will see your linked domains and the option to register new domains in the tool.
3. "Domain" Column
In this column, you will see information about all your domains registered in TWR.
( of the Campaigns Tab
1. Access The White Rabbit
2. Click on "Campaigns"
Here, you will have the panel with all your created campaigns, organized by columns. You can create new campaigns or manage them.
3. "Hash" Column
This column lists the hash of each campaign, which is the unique identification of each campaign.
(https://storage.crFew readersOverview of the Requests Tab
1. Access The White Rabbit
2. Click on "Requests"
Here all the requests used in the account and in the selected period will be shown. A "request" is an access to your site, and it is counted every time TWR analyzes the visitor's data on the site.
3. "Created in" Column
The date when each "request" occurred will be shownFew readersClient Portal Overview
1. Access The White Rabbit
2. Click on "Client Portal"
3. Current Plan Section
In this first section, you will find details about your current plan, such as:
Monthly fee for the current plan;
Renewal date;
"Change Plan" button - where you can upgrade to a higher plan;
"Cancel Plan" button - where you can canceFew readers