Overview of the Requests Tab

1. Access The White Rabbit

2. Click on "Requests"

Here all the requests used in the account and in the selected period will be shown. A "request" is an access to your site, and it is counted every time TWR analyzes the visitor's data on the site.

3. "Created in" Column

The date when each "request" occurred will be shown.

4. "Campaign" Column

Shows the name of the campaign where the request to your site occurred.

5. "Hash" Column

Shows the unique ID of the campaign that generated the request.

6. "Country" Column

Shows from which country the request occurred.

7. "IP" Column

Shows the IP address of the device that made the request.

8. "Device" Column

Shows the category of the device that made the request.

9. "Help" Button

Clicking on the "Help" button will redirect you to the help center of the tool to access the rest of the tutorials.

10. "Refresh" Button

Clicking the "Refresh" button will update your requests screen in real time.

11. "Filters" Button

Clicking the "Filters" button will allow you to filter the requests to optimize your searches and queries.

12. "Select date & time" Section

Allows you to filter your account requests by date and time.

13. "Campaign" Section

Allows you to filter your account requests by created campaign.

14. "Country" Section

Allows you to filter your account requests by the country from which the request was made.

15. "Device" Section

Allows you to filter your account requests by the device from which the request was made.

16. Click on "Filter"

To apply the filter and access the requests as requested.

17. Navigation Buttons between Request Pages

These buttons allow you to navigate between the pages of all the requests made by your account, being able to go to the next page or directly to the last page and vice versa.

18. "Current Request and Total Number of Requests" Section

In this section, you will find the total number of requests your account has had, as well as the current request number you are on.

19. "Items per page" Button

This button allows you to change the maximum number of requests to appear on a single page, with a maximum option of up to 100 requests per page.

Updated on: 03/08/2024

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