Articles on: PLAN AND USAGE

How our plans and upgrades work

When you subscribe to our platform, you gain access to the dashboard and all the benefits of the selected plan. Below, you will find details about how our plans and upgrades work.

Our plans

We currently offer the following plans, with monthly click limits:

20,000 clicks
Price: 97 USD (approximately R$562.74)

100,000 clicks
Price: 297 USD (approximately R$1,724.73)

300,000 clicks
Price: 497 USD (approximately R$2,968.92)

1 million clicks
Price: 997 USD (approximately R$5,955.77)

Note: If you exceed the click limit for your plan, an additional fee per extra click will apply. The cost varies by plan. Please check the website for details.

How does a plan work?

Practical example:
- Subscription to the Basic Plan on January 1st.
- You receive a balance of 20,000 clicks to use until January 31st.

What if you reach the limit before the end date?

Pay for extra clicks (e.g., 0.01 USD per click).
Upgrade to a higher plan (see how it works below).

How do upgrades work?

Upgrades are simple and advantageous for those who need more clicks. Here's how they work:

- Subscription to the Basic Plan on January 1st.
- On January 20th, the limit of 20,000 clicks is reached.

What can you do?

Pay for extra clicks (cost varies by plan).
Upgrade to a higher plan.

If you choose to upgrade:
- You pay only the difference in price between the plans.
- The additional click balance is immediately available.
- The plan's expiration date remains unchanged (January 31st in this example).

Example of an upgrade:
- Upgrade from Basic Plan (97 USD) to Pro Plan (297 USD).
- Amount to pay: 297 - 97 = 200 USD.
- Additional click balance available: 100,000 clicks (minus the 20,000 already used).

Important rules

Clicks do not roll over to the next month.
- Plan your usage to avoid wasting them.

Upgrading does not change the expiration date.
- The additional balance will only be valid until the end of the current billing period.

The cost of extra clicks varies by plan.
- Check the website to confirm the specific cost for your plan.

For any questions, please contact our support team. We’re here to help! 😊

Updated on: 04/01/2025

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